Monday, August 20, 2007

The Beginning

I have a brand new laptop - a sunshine yellow Dell. I stumbled upon a interpretation of the colour yellow, and it said it is the colour of creative pursuits. So I took it as s sign and decided to start this long-planned blog. It is a bit scary thinking that the thoughts I write here will be out there for the world to read. But what I hope to achieve is

1. That other women, "stuck between two cultures" associate with my ramblings.
2. Promote the beauty and richness of India to the world, and show my adopted home beyond the newspaper cliches.
3. Find some answers to the question which always hounds me: why India?

I am also creating a work space for myself in the guest room - an old desk, and a few colourful box files are all I need.

Let the adventure begin!

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